The János Kohn Scholarship (EUROCALL ösztöndíj)

Egy ösztöndíjlehetőség az idei  EUROCALL konferenciára, ami Magyarországra is vonatkozik. Határidő január 31.

The János Kohn Scholarship commemorates and celebrates the life and work of János Kohn, a highly valued and respected EUROCALL colleague who died in March 1999.
The annual scholarship enables a young teacher or researcher permanently based in one of the Central European member states listed below* to participate in a EUROCALL conference.
Candidates who have a background and interest in computer-assisted or technology-enhanced language learning are invited to apply before the deadline of 31st January to attend the EUROCALL conference at University of Nottingham, UK, 31st August - 3rd September 2011.
Full application details available at:
Deadline for application is 31 January

*Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Update (2011-04-04. 11:11:17):

Dear Colleague

During the Executive Board Meeting in Nottingham, March 12th 2011,  the EUROCALL Executive Committee, having given due consideration to all applications, have decided that you are the chosen recipient for the Janos Kohn Scholarship for 2011.
The annual scholarship enables a young teacher or researcher permanently based in one of the Central European member states to participate in a EUROCALL conference by covering the expenses of their trip to the Conference and also awards them a complimentary EUROCALL membership for that year. Please forward your full mailing address so that I can process your EUROCALL membership as soon as possible and kindly confirm whether you will be able to attend the Conference in Notthingham.

Congratulations on your success.



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