EUROCALL 2009 előadások hanganyagai

A tavalyi EUROCALL 2009-es konferencia előadásainak hanganyagai csak ezen az oldalon, mivel az eredeti oldalon hibásak a linkek.
(Update 2010.10.15.: miután felkerültek ide a jó linkek, a konferencia oldalán is javították azokat)

Az alábbi lista csak a hanganyagban is elérhető előadásokat tartalmazza mp3-ban. A teljes lista a hivatalos oldalon érhető el.

  1. Andersen, Kent (SDE, Denmark): Tools for producing CLIL (content and language integrated learning) materials
  2. Arrebola, Miguel (University of Portsmouth, UK): Learning to share in the Language Box: a community approach to developing an open content repository for language teachers and learners
  3. Astruc, Lluisa (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom): Perception of Spanish intonation by English learners
  4. Banuelos García, Carolina (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México): Literacy practices at the computer room in the SAC of UABC-México
  5. Bárcena, Elena (UNED, Spain): The Integration of ICALL-based Collaboration with the English Classroom
  6. Bergh, Huub (Utrecht University, Netherlands): Integrating networked interaction in foreign language learning and teacher training programs
  7. Bilbrough, Michael (Seville University, Spain): Development of email writing skills for business employees using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) software / A software proposal to assist staff in international companies in developing foreign language skills in business email writing tasks
  8. Borthwick, Kate (Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, University of Southampton, UK): Learning to share in the Language Box: a community approach to developing an open content repository for language teachers and learners
  9. Celine, Restrepo Zea (UNIL - EPFL, Switzerland): Technology for enhancing oral competence: teacher's experimentation
  10. Chang, Kuan-Yi Rose (The University of Colorado Denver, USA): Integrating Technology to Promote Independent and Life-long Learning for Learners of Mandarin Chinese 
  11. Chateau, Anne (CRAPEL–ATILF/CNRS, SCELV - UNiversité Nancy 2, France): From the logbook to the forum: how to reinforce collaborative learning for a better student's autonomy?
  12. Colpaert, Jozef  (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): How to transform your daily work into research? The case of ICT and motivation
  13. Colpaert, Jozef  (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): Motivation revisited: empirical and theoretical validation of the Distributed Language Learning model
  14. Conejero, Marta  (UPV, Spain): Tools for Strengthening Scientific Writing: a new approach to autonomous learning
  15. Cornillie, Frederik (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): How to transform your daily work into research? The case of ICT and motivation
  16. Cornillie, Frederik  (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): Motivation revisited: empirical and theoretical validation of the Distributed Language Learning model
  17. de Siqueira Rocha, Jose Macario (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain):  Difficulties and constraints of computer assisted language testing of Spanish DELE with Chinese students 
  18. de Siqueira Rocha, Jose Macario  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Establishing the theoretical parameters in designing an online preparatory course for the Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination
  19. Develotte, Christine (INRP, France): Working online together to enhance learner's autonomy
  20. Dippold, Doris (The University of Surrey, UK): E-interaction and e-moderation: Issues and models of foreign language computer-mediated communication
  21. Domínguez Gaona, María del Rocío (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico): Literacy practices at the computer room in the SAC of UABC-México
  22. Dooly, Melinda (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain): CMC SIG Symposium: New Trends in Telecollaboration - Multiple competences, literacies, policies and practices
  23. Duque, Aurora  (Instituto Cervantes, Sapin): El diseno instructivo: decisiones didácticas en línea para un curso de preparación al examen DELE
  24. Eneau, Jerôme (Université Lyon 2, France): Working online together to enhance learner's autonomy
  25. Ernest, Pauline  (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment
  26. Gallarde, Isabel  (Escola Universitaria de Turisme CETA, Universitat de Girona, Spain): Incorporating Wiki Writing Projects in an ESP course for Tourism
  27. García Laborda, Jesús (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain): French language adaptation to CALL testing environments
  28. Gillespie, John  (University of Ulster, UK): Part II: a study of staff reaction to the adoption of CALL and ICT
  29. Gimeno Sanz, Ana María  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Applying Learning Objects Metadata Theory for Pedagogical Evaluation of Web-based CALL
  30. Gimeno Sanz, Ana María  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Establishing the theoretical parameters in designing an online preparatory course for the Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination
  31. González, Diana  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Difficulties and constraints of computer assisted language testing of Spanish DELE with Chinese students
  32. González-Lloret, Marta  (University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA): Spanish L2 null-subject development through SCMC
  33. Guichon, Nicolas  (Lyon 2 University, ICAR research team, France): Preparatory study for the design of Visu, a desktop videoconferencing platform for synchronous language tutoring
  34. Guitert Catasús, Montse  (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment
  35. Gunn, Cindy  (The American University of Sharjah, UAE): Investigating the inclusion of online discussions to enhance students' learning
  36. Gutierrez-Colon Plana, Mar  (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain): Methodology in CALL: students' survey
  37. Hampel, Regine  (The Open University, UK): Redesigning assessment for a virtual learning environment / Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment 
  38. Heiser, Sarah   (The Open University, UK): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment
  39. Hopkins, Joseph  (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment / A method for analyzing online collaboration in synchronous audio-graphic conferencing for language learning
  40. Howard, Yvonne   (University of Southampton, UK ): Learning to share in the Language Box: a community approach to developing an open content repository for language teachers and learners
  41. Jaime, Asunción  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Tools for Strengthening Scientific Writing: a new approach to autonomous learning
  42. Jauregi-Ondarra, Kristi  (Utrecht University, Netherlands): Towards a pedagogic framework for task design in video web communication and virtual worlds / Integrating networked interaction in foreign language learning and teacher training programs
  43. Juan, Olga  (Instituto Cervantes, Espana): El diseno instructivo: decisiones didácticas en línea para un curso de preparación al examen DELE
  44. Kabata, Kaori  (University of Alberta, Canada): Students Are Ready, But Are We? Assessment of Current TELL Trends
  45. Kenning, Marie-Madeleine  (University of East Anglia, UK): Collaborative scaffolding in online task-based voice interactions between advanced learners
  46. Kétyi, András   (Budapest Busines School / Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary): Comparative Usability Study of ICT Tools for Collaborative Language Learning
  47. Kimura, Midori  (Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan): Digital storytelling for reading class
  48. Kitao, Kenji  (Doshisha University, Japan): Authorized Junior High School English Textbooks in Japan: A Corpus-Based Study of Vocabulary Level and Readability
  49. Kriz, Milan  (Palacky University, Czech Republic): Integrating networked interaction in foreign language learning and teacher training programs
  50. Laakkonen, Ilona  (Centre for Applied Language Studies, Jyväskylä University, Finland): Revolution or illusion: Integrating language corpora into university EAP classrooms / Supporting sustainable pedagogical change through developing teachers' pedagogical understanding of ICTs
  51. Laakkonen, Ilona  (Centre for Applied Language Studies, Jyväskylä University, Finland): Developing a personal learning environments framework for language learning in higher education – negotiating between the needs of students, teachers and educational organization
  52. Lee, Lina  (University of New Hampshire, USA): Corrective Feedback in Different Asynchronous CMC Settings
  53. Liaw, Meei-Ling  (National Taichung University, Taiwan, ROC): E-Politeness Strategies and the Development of Interculturality
  54. López-Soto, Teresa  (Seville University, Spain): Development of email writing skills for business employees using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) software
  55. Low, Michelle  (The University of Northern Colorado, USA): Integrating Technology to Promote Independent and Life-long Learning for Learners of Mandarin Chinese
  56. Mac Lochlainn, Mícheál  (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland): Sintéiseoir: A Multidialectical TTS Application for Irish
  57. Maciaszczyk, Sylvia  (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland): Teacher perception and use of a tutorial-based EFL blended course
  58. Malicka, Aleksandra  (Escola Universitaria de Turisme CETA, Universitat de Girona, Spain): Incorporating Wiki Writing Projects in an ESP course for Tourism
  59. Martínez Sáez, Antonio  (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain): French language adaptation to CALL testing environments / Establishing the theoretical parameters in designing an online preparatory course for the Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination
  60. Miyatake, Kaori  (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan): How should we build a word list for teaching Academic Japanese? - A straightforward approach
  61. Morell, Teresa  (University of Alicante, Spain): Implementing virtual activities in CLIL classes: a response to the Learning and Teaching Efficiently (LTE) European Project
  62. Muraki, Yoshiko  (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan): How should we build a word list for teaching Academic Japanese? - A straightforward approach
  63. Murphy, Linda    (The Open University, UK): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment
  64. Musk, Nigel  (IKK, Linköping University, Sweden): Tracking Language Learning in an Internet Quiz: Using a CA-for-SLA Approach
  65. Narcy-Combes, Marie-Françoise  (University of Nantes, France): Dealing with large numbers of students: tasks in a blended learning environment
  66. Ó Dónaill, Caoimhín  (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland): Integrating computer assisted task-based learning into the language curriculum
  67. Obari, Hiroyuki   (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan): Investigating the effectiveness of CALL software to train English proficiency
  68. Ortín, Milagros  (Instituto Cervantes, Spain): El diseno instructivo: decisiones didácticas en línea para un curso de preparación al examen DELE
  69. Orsini-Jones, Marina (Coventry University, UK): New e-frontiers of assistive software and their positive impact upon a blind student's language learning experience
  70. Pagel, James  (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan): Motivational factors at play among students taking part in an department-wide e-learning program
  71. Papadima Sophocleous, Salomi  (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus): The use of Wikis in an English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) Course
  72. Pladevall Ballester, Elisabet  (Universitat Autonoma, Spain): Methodology in CALL: students' survey
  73. Plagwitz, Thomas  (Aston University, UK): No- and Low-Cost Language Labs in a Tough Economy
  74. Prefasi, Salvador   (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Difficulties and constraints of computer assisted language testing of Spanish DELE with Chinese students
  75. Ramírez-Verdugo, María Dolores  (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain): Perception of Spanish intonation by English learners
  76. Read, Timothy (UNED, Spain): The Integration of ICALL-based Collaboration with the English Classroom
  77. Reedy, David  (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan): Motivational factors at play among students taking part in a department-wide e-learning program
  78. Rivens Mompean, Annick  (Université Lille 3, France): Authentic interactions on a blog used for the teaching of EFL
  79. Roman-Mendoza, Esperanza  (George Mason University, USA): Aulas sin fronteras: sindicación de contenidos y etiquetado social al servicio del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras
  80. Romero Monteverde, Myriam  (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico): Literacy practices at the computer room in the SAC of UABC-México
  81. Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando  (The Open University, UK): The implementation of a blended tuition strategy for an intermediate ODL language course: an evaluation / Podcasting for language learning: re-evaluating the potential
  82. Sakamoto, Mitsuyo  (Sophia University, JAPAN): Using Online Social Networking System (SNS) to promote L2 writing: Exploring possibilities in Japan
  83. Sato, Takeshi  (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan): The verification of the shape of computer-based imaginary glosses in a multimedia dictionary: In the settings of English polysemous words
  84. Schneider, Britta (Language Centre, Jyväskylä University, Finland):    
  85. Revolution or illusion: Integrating language corpora into university EAP classrooms
  86. Schulze, Mat  (University of Waterloo, Canada): Frameworks for ICALL
  87. Seiz Ortiz, Rafael  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Applying Learning Objects Metadata Theory for Pedagogical Evaluation of Web-based CALL
  88. Shibano, Kohji  (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan): How should we build a word list for teaching Academic Japanese? - A straightforward approach
  89. Skowronek, Steffen  (University of Potsdam, Germany ): Success in autonomous language learning
  90. Son, Jeong-Bae  (University of Southern Queensland, Australia): Using Web-based portfolios in CALL teacher training
  91. Speicher, Oranna  (University of Nottingham, UK): Collaboration across local, national and international boundaries / Enabling technology-wary language teachers to create sophisticated learning modules
  92. Stenton, Anthony   (Université Toulouse I, France): Managing the monolingual mindset. SWANS : an authoring system for raising awareness of L2 lexical stress patterns and for inhibiting mother-tongue interference
  93. Stickler, Ursula  (The Open University, UK): Online teacher training: Collaborating in a virtual learning environment
  94. Strohn, Meike (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany): Digital Tools for Differentiating Instruction in Language Classes – Case Studies at German Secondary Schools (pdf)
  95. Suzuki, Akio   (Toyo Univerisity, Japan): The verification of the shape of computer-based imaginary glosses in a multimedia dictionary: In the settings of English polysemous words
  96. Taalas, Peppi  (University of Jyväskylä, Finland): Supporting sustainable pedagogical change through developing teachers' pedagogical understanding of ICTs
  97. Tanaka, Shosaku  (Ritsumeikan University, Japan): Authorized Junior High School English Textbooks in Japan: A Corpus-Based Study of Vocabulary Level and Readability
  98. Tschichold, Cornelia  (Swansea University, UK): Frameworks for ICALL
  99. Westall, Debra  (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain): Tools for Strengthening Scientific Writing: a new approach to autonomous learning
  100. Wiebe, Grace  (University of Alberta, Canada): Students Are Ready, But Are We? Assessment of Current TELL Trends
  101. Wood, Peter  (University of Waterloo & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands): Frameworks for ICALL
  102. Wullink, Sarah  (University of Nottingham, UK): Collaboration across local, national and international boundaries
  103. Yerou, Christina  (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus): The use of Wikis in an English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) Course
  104. Yoshii, Makoto  (Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan): An investigation into long-term vocabulary knowledge change: Comparison of actual data and simulation data
  105. Zanatta, Anne (Escola Universitaria de Turisme CETA, Universitat de Girona, Spain): Incorporating Wiki Writing Projects in an ESP course for Tourism
  106. Zourou, Katerina  (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg): Corrective Feedback in Different Asynchronous CMC Settings
  107. Zumbihl, Hélene  (SCELV - Université Nancy 2, France): From the logbook to the forum: how to reinforce collaborative learning for a better student's autonomy?


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