EARLI 2009 program és review

Augusztus 24-én 11.20 és 12.20 között lesz a poszter szekció, amin részt veszek (Room 5, Session B).

Négyen leszünk egy szekcióban:

Frauke Kaemmerer
Development and evaluation of a computer-based training of questioning
Marieke Thurlings
Online peer coaching for teacher professionalization: First explorations
Alessandro Pepe
Assessing e-learners satisfaction in virtual classroom activities
Andras Ketyi
Comparative Usability Study of ICT Tools for Collaborative Language Learning

Tegnap megérkezett az EARLI poszter kritikája, összességében 75%, egy két ponton változtatni kell.

Review criteria
Content of the poster: The title of the poster is appropriate concerning the information given on the poster.
8 / 10
Authors, affiliation and contact information (Email address) are stated appropriately.
8 / 10
The theoretical information given is adequate for a poster (not too much but nevertheless one is informed well enough).
8 / 10
The aim of the study / research question is clearly communicated.
7 / 10
The information about the study (sample, design, procedure, (in)dependent variables, and/or measures intended or already used) is informative and concise.
7 / 10
If data are reported, the results are clearly communicated
6 / 10
The conclusions given are reasonable.
6 / 10
Layout of the poster: The layout of the poster is clear and structured and guides one through the presented information.
8 / 10
The font size and the density of text are appropriate enough for reading from a distance of about 1 meter.
8 / 10
Diagrams, graphs and tables are used effectively to visualize information.
8 / 10
The balance between text and illustrations is well chosen.
8 / 10
The layout of the poster is appealing.
8 / 10


Egy hónapig elérhetőek a Pető Intézet konferenciájának fényképei.


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